We are loving learning from all our visitors about when they were peedie and the differences between then and now. Derry's Granny Kim started school on the very first day that our school opened! It was called Papdale Infant School then, and was for P1-3. The Primary School was being built on the Ducky Pond area. The Primary School and KGS pupils were all at school where the OIC offices are now in School Place. She had lots of photos to show us of Kirkwall when she was peedie, and some of her toys. Ella's Granny Sheena had lots of her toys too, many of which had been made by knitting, sewing and even weaving! This beautiful patchwork quilt was made for her doll by her Granny, Ella's Great Great Granny. As well as being really bonnie, it is a way of using up material from clothes that were no longer used - recycling and reusing! It was especially nice for us to see a real patchwork quilt since we have Jack's patc...