Visitors to 2M

We are loving learning from all our visitors about when they were peedie and the differences between then and now.

Derry's Granny Kim started school on the very first day that our school opened! It was called Papdale Infant School then, and was for P1-3.  The Primary School was being built on the Ducky Pond area.  The Primary School and KGS pupils were all at school where the OIC offices are now in School Place.

 She had lots of photos to show us of Kirkwall when she was peedie, and some of her toys.  

 Ella's Granny Sheena had lots of her toys too, many of which had been made by knitting, sewing and even weaving! 

This beautiful patchwork quilt was made for her doll by her Granny, Ella's Great Great Granny. As well as being really bonnie, it is a way of using up material from clothes that were no longer used - recycling and reusing!  It was especially nice for us to see a real patchwork quilt since we have Jack's patchwork sack already. 

Ella's Grandad's toys were mostly made of metal and not plastic like we have now.

Christine, a family friend of Hannah, came in with a wide variety of items.  She talked about how many things are very different to when she was peedie.  It made us wonder what it would be like for the boys and girls in 2M when they are Grannies and Grandads!

This is a toy mangle, which works just like a real one would have.  There were no washing machines, so wet clothes were rung through the mangle.

Christine's favourite dinner was mince and tatties, just like most of 2M and their grandparents!  Her Mum bought a big piece of meat from the Butcher's Shop and then minced it in this mincer.

This was Christine's wooden pencil box, and her Mum had also used it.

She took in her button tin, full of buttons of all different colours and sizes.

 These were Christine's first shoes.  She also took in a pair of clogs which are more than 100 years old.

Finally we had fun with an elastic skipping rope playing Chinese Skipping!

Jamii-Leigh's Granny told us about the fun and freedom she had playing outdoors when she was peedie.

Amy's Granny and Grandad told us about their school days and how they were glad of the coal fire to warm up after being outside in all weathers.  They each took in books they had won as prizes at school.

We enjoyed hearing about Ollie's Grandad's school days.



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